Prime Acrobatics Privacy Notice
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Prime Acrobatics: Membership Terms & Conditions
Class Enrolment
Before booking a taster session or enroling into a class, all fees must be up to date and the full amount of any previous outstanding balances settled.
Monthly Fees
Class fees are payable in advance on the first of every month to secure your child’s place on our register. Our payment method is Direct Debit which can be set up through the Club Portal. In the case of a Direct Debit payment failing, we ask that the fees are settled via Gymscope (online) or by contacting the office. We reserve the right to remove a member from class if payment is not made in line with our terms and conditions. If a member is removed from class for this reason, then we will effectively give notice to the parent or guardian.
Cancellation Notice Period
You can cancel your child’s Prime membership at any time by giving a minimum of 4 weeks’ written notice by email. Any outstanding fees must be paid before your cancellation is accepted. If you pay by Direct Debit this will be automatically debited. No membership fees will be refunded for the month in which you cancel, and fees will still be payable for any portion of the following month covered within this notice period. We will notify you of the date of your child’s last payable class, and fees will be payable whether or not they attend classes during the notice period.
Refunds and Account Credit
- If refunds are issued for any reason, an administration fee of £5.00 will be applied. We cannot offer refunds for monthly fees, unused make-up credits, classes missed due to natural disasters (including pandemics) or situations beyond our control.
- The class fees for drop-in classes and short courses are non-refundable and non-transferable.
- When a member leaves the club and there is a credit balance on their account, we will notify them of this and offer a refund at the time of leaving.
- If the offer of a refund is not taken up and the credit on the account is £20 or less we will hold that amount for 3 months from the member’s final day in the club. After this time, if a refund has not been requested, we will treat the credit as member income and the account will be closed.
- If the offer of a refund is not taken up and the credit on the account is more than £20, we will email and text the member 1 month and 2 months after their final day in the club, then telephone twice. If the member does not contact us for a refund within 6 months of leaving the club, and having been sent two emails and two telephone calls, the credit will be treated as member income and the account will be closed.
Make-up Credits for Pre-cancelled Classes
As we are open for 47 weeks of the year, we appreciate your child might occasionally miss some classes. As a goodwill gesture, we offer members the chance to reschedule (‘make up’) classes in certain circumstances.
To make use of this benefit, parents/ carers must give Prime prior notice, via Gymscope (Club Portal), a minimum of 2 hours before the start of the class that their child is unable to attend. To encourage parents/ carers to cancel early, the notice period given for each class to be missed will affect the expiry date of the make-up credit given as follows (expiry dates are from the date and time of the class cancelled):
- 7+ days’ notice – make-up credit valid for 6 months
- 1+ days’ notice – make-up credit valid for 3 months
- 2+ hours’ notice – make-up credit valid for 1 month
- < 2 hours’ notice – no make-up credit
Subject to class availability, parents/ carers will then be able to reschedule an alternative class through Gymscope from 14 days and up to 1 hour before the start of the class.
Please note:
- Make-up credits are only offered to those in our weekly general club classes and not for drop-in classes, additional needs classes, short courses or focused training (Plus Groups/ Display).
- Class cancellations and make-up sessions must be arranged through Gymscope Failing that, please visit the office or call 01483 755777. We cannot arrange make-up sessions via email.
- Make-up credits will not be awarded or be able to be redeemed if an account is more than one month in arrears.
- Make-up credits will not be given retrospectively when classes have been missed but not pre-cancelled.
- Booked make-up sessions cannot be cancelled and then rescheduled.
- During ‘Reward Weeks’, children in our Club classes (Gyminis through to Teens) are only allowed to attend a total of two classes over the fortnight – whether they are their normal classes or make-up sessions.
- Make-up credits are non-transferable and can only be used while your child is still an active member in class (ie cannot be booked if they are frozen or have left the club and are no longer on a class register).
- Make-up credits and sessions are subject to availability and not a given right as part of the membership. These are subject to the discretion of the Director of Prime Acrobatics and in any dispute the Managing Director’s decision is final.
- Make-up credits have no monetary value and cannot be used as payment for class fees, short courses or in lieu of our 4-week notice period.
Injury/Health Policy
Any injury or long-term illness that means a member is unable to attend classes for at least 2 months must be notified to us by email. If you discuss such an injury/ illness with office staff by phone or in person, please send a follow up email.
At the Directors’ discretion the parent will be offered 2 options:
- They can continue to pay monthly fees to retain their child’s place on the register. The specific classes the member can’t attend can be cancelled and make-up credits with a 6-month expiry will be given. The child can then return to class as soon as they are able.
- The parent/ carer can freeze their child’s membership while they recover. Normal monthly fees will not be due, and the child’s place will be offered to another gymnast if the class is full. When we are notified that the child is ready to return, we will offer them the next space that becomes available in their normal class. See Freezing Memberships below.
Freezing Membership
At the Director’s discretion, memberships can be frozen in cases of medium to long-term injury or illness, unavoidable circumstances, or when a participants needs to change their current class and we can’t yet accommodate their move request.
The minimum period for freezing is 2 months, the maximum is 1 year. The membership freeze will begin 7 days from the date the request is approved.
Before we are able to freeze a space, any outstanding fees must be settled and 1 month’s fees must be paid on account, which will be left as credit until the participant either returns or gives notice. These payments must be paid by cash or a credit/debit card at the time of requesting the freeze – they cannot be collected by Direct Debit. If a member has an active Direct Debit in place, monthly fees will not be taken until the participant returns to classes.
When the member returns, this credit will be used for fees for their first month back. If the member gives notice whilst frozen, this credit will be used for the notice period.
When the member is ready to return, we cannot guarantee a space will immediately be available, but we will offer the next available place in the member’s normal class.
If membership was frozen because we couldn’t accommodate a move request, once we are able to offer the preferred day, the new class must be accepted with immediate effect and joined within 10 days. If the space is not accepted, 4 weeks’ notice should be given and, if applicable, the child added back to the waiting list. It is the parent’s responsibility to inform Prime if their preferred day has changed and this can only be changed once.
We may request confirmation from your medical practitioner that your child is fit to return to acrobatic activities.
Exceptional Circumstances Policy
In the event of severe weather, a pandemic or natural disaster, please refer to our social media pages where we will clearly indicate if we are still running classes. If we have enough staff in place, and we consider it safe to do so, we will provide our normal service. In these circumstances it will be your decision whether you decide to travel to and from our centre. Where practical, we will email and/ or SMS members to notify them if their class has been cancelled. We do not offer refunds for adverse weather conditions, natural disasters, pandemics or situations beyond our control.
- If we have to cancel a regular general class for our own reasons, we will apply a make-up credit with a 6-month expiry date to the member accounts affected.
- If we have to cancel a short-course session or a pay-as-you-go session for our own reasons, the cost of that session will be credited to your Prime account to be used for future bookings.
Code of Conduct for Participants
Prime Acrobatics is committed to providing a caring, friendly, and safe environment for everyone. Participants are expected to behave respectfully to each other and to our staff. As a participant at our club, we would like you to observe this code of conduct.
Where the code of conduct is not observed, this will be investigated and discussed with the participant and their parent/carer. We wish to support all individuals involved and respond with any actions that we believe need to be taken. Depending on the severity/ or frequency of the incident/s, the club may be left with no choice but to put sanctions in place for the individual, or even cancel or refuse membership and attendance at the club.
General Conduct
- To respect all staff, coaches and other participants. Rudeness, abuse, swearing, shouting, violence and inappropriate behaviour, whether in person, or by phone or email, will not be tolerated. Prime Acrobatics believes that it is important that all members associated with the club should, at all times, show respect and understanding of the safety and welfare of others.
- All incidents will be fully investigated alongside the anti-bullying policy if applicable.
- To ask questions if you are ever unsure of a task.
- To build communication with coaches should there be a problem, concern or something you are worried about.
- To show support and encouragement towards fellow teammates and training partners at all times.
- To listen carefully to instructions from the coaches.
- To always maintain a good standard of behaviour. Be polite, patient and refrain from the use of bad language.
- To be considerate to others and always show excellent sportsmanship.
- To understand that bullying and harassment of others is not acceptable. Even if an individual is frustrated, angry or upset, intimidating or threatening behaviour is not tolerated within the club as the health, safety and wellbeing of all members is our highest priority.
- To be an excellent ambassador for Prime Acrobatics.
- No jeans, hoods, dresses or loose clothing can be worn in the gym for safety reasons. Tight fitted shorts and t-shirts are most suitable. Prime Acrobatics offers a range of gymnastics attire which can be purchased from reception (subject to availability).
- British Gymnastics and the club have a strict no jewellery policy in the gym. All jewellery must be removed, including stud piercings. Shoes and socks must also be removed.
- All long hair should be suitably tied back.
- If you need to wear glasses please ensure these are shatterproof, ideally flexible framed and secure.
Before the Session
- Please arrive 10 minutes before the start of the class and ensure you are ready to participate.
- Participants should use the restroom before the class to avoid any unnecessary interruptions.
- No water bottles are to be taken inside the gym. There is water fountain in the gym and you can ask your coach to make use of it.
- To be respectful or our furniture and ancillary areas
- Any specific circumstances or conditions surrounding a participant should be disclosed in advance to the club via our office staff. This will ensure that the coaches are aware of how they can adapt the sessions to suit any individual needs.
During the Session
- For all pre-school classes (before 15:15) a parent or carer must remain on site. Also, for all after school classes, if your child is unable to use the restroom independently.
- Parents/carers must refrain from interrupting classes.
- Coaches will endeavour to make time before or after classes if a parent/ carer wishes to speak to them. If this is not possible on the day the members attends their class, please go to the office and the staff will endeavour to schedule a meeting/ call back at a suitable date and time.
- Parents/ carers are responsible for other children in their care within the building at all times.
- Prime Acrobatics have a strict NO unauthorised photography and video rule here in line with British Gymnastics policies.
- To understand that without hard work and the right attitude you will not reach your full potential.
- To appreciate that our coaches have your best interests at heart.
- To remember that personal satisfaction comes from knowing you have tried your best.
- To realise that the majority of fun and excitement comes from you trying to reach your goals.
- Everyone has the right to enjoy and benefit from our activities.
- The participant cannot expect to be successful on the first attempt of a skill, and they may have to persevere with the support of a coach.
Code of Conduct for Parents & Carers
The Essentials
- Ensure your child is dressed appropriately for the session with no jewellery and their hair tied up out of their face.
- Ensure your child arrives at sessions on time and is picked up promptly. Please let us know if you are running late or if your child is going home with someone else.
- Complete all consent, contact and medical forms and update us straight away if anything changes.
- Keep the club informed of any injuries or illnesses that may affect your child’s safe participation in the session.
- Maintain a good relationship with your child’s coach, be polite, respect their views and listen to any suggestions.
- Ensure that you ask a member of the team if you have any questions or queries.
- Talk to us if you have any concerns about any part of your child’s involvement – we want to hear from you.
- Ensure your child is fully insured via their active British Gymnastics Membership.
- Don’t use any form of mobile phone or recording equipment within the spectator area to film your child whilst they are participating within their classes.
- Let your child know that you’re proud of what they’re doing.
- Recognise good performance and not just results. Remember that children get a wide range of benefits from participating in sport including making friends, getting exercise and developing skills.
- Listen when your child says they don’t want to do something. Refrain from forcing your child to take part and don’t belittle them for making mistakes.
- Ensure you supervise your child until they have entered the gymnasium at the start of the session when a coach is inviting the gymnasts in.
- If you are accompanying your child in the with-parent preschool classes, please ensure that you supervise your child at all points and assist them where needed/ necessary.
- Set a good example when watching – the way you react and behave affects not just your child but other children too.
- Recognise that all of our coaches are highly qualified and experienced individuals, and parents/ carers should respect their professional opinions.
- Use social media responsibly when talking about what goes on at our club or any events.
- Ensure your child understands their code of conduct.
As a parent/ carer, we understand that you have the right to:
- Be assured that your child is safeguarded during their time with us.
- See any of our policies and procedures at any time.
- Know the contact details for the Club Welfare Officer:
- Know what training and qualifications our staff have.
- Be informed of problems or concerns relating to your child.
- Be informed if your child is injured and see records of any accidents.
- Have any concerns about any aspect of your child’s welfare listened to and responded to.
These Terms & Conditions are subject to change. The most current version can always be seen on Prime’s website. Last updated 22 November 2024.